The power of a new idea – Innovation – is critical to the ability of a nonprofit organization to survive and thrive in challenging times.
CHP Consulting believes that innovation can help make the world a better place. We work specifically with nonprofit and philanthropic groups engaged across the full spectrum of health and human services, education, workforce, housing and community development – from early childhood to elder assistance – with an overarching focus on helping innovative leaders implement their goals and ideas.
Our consulting expertise is broad based ranging the gamut of government programming – from elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education, employment and training, housing and community development, human services, national service, and youth issues, to aging and disabilities issues.
Our engagement is targeted to helping leaders in the nonprofit community seeking to improve upon their ability to make a positive impact on society. We work collectively with our clients to:
❯ Expand their overall “opportunities” base – we examine the range of governmental and nongovernmental programmatic options of potential value to our clients, based on years of experience in the field in which they are focused.
❯ Broaden their network of relationships – we connect clients with potential like-minded partners to create new collaborations.
❯ Increase the overall capacity of their organization to grow – in a time of reduced investments in both the governmental and excel in challenging times.
For organizations prevented from engaging in governmental affairs activities, CHP Consulting is an ideal option for you. CHP Consulting is established under a separate charter that prohibits us from lobbying. Instead, we focus our attention on developing cutting edge strategies for our clients that are forged by over 100 years of collective experience in the government and non-profit sectors that help our clients achieve their goals.